Steven Mellor – Zero to 10K Instagram Growth Masterclass
SalePage: Steven Mellor – Zero to 10K Instagram Growth Masterclass
Description of Zero to 10K Instagram Growth Masterclass
Ready to get to 10,000 followers on Instagram?
The Instagram Growth Mini Course will give you all of the essential tools and tactics you need to grow your Instagram consistently day over day.
It’s packed with 9 actionable tips and worksheets to maximize your ability to connect and grow the ideal audience for your brand or product.
Who is Zero to 10K Instagram Growth Masterclass for?
- You’d like to get to 10,000 followers on Instagram
- You’ve built an audience before but you’ve neglected them
- You’re not sure of your niche or what that even means
- You don’t know how to attract the right followers
- Your engagement could be a lot better
- You don’t have a content plan but you know you need one
- You want to fast track your growth to 10K followers
People have used this same exact information and have grown their followings to over 100K in a single year.
Like Tom, Patti and Ruben below
The Creator Economy already booming. It’s over a $100 Billion dollar market already and it’s still going up
So if you want to capitalize on this boom, you don’t want to miss my Zero to 10K Growth ebook.
About Steve Mellor
Hey, I’m Steve Mellor. I’m a Content Creator, Online Marketing Coach, and former Startup Co-Founder. Steven Mellor teach businesses, creators, and entrepreneurs how to scale their presence online and how to create highly engaging offers that convert.
In 2 short years, Steven Mellor was able to scale my personal brand online from 0 followers in 2019 to over 250K followers organically (yup, you read that correctly — organically — as in zero ad spend needed to grow my brand). I have also helped dozens of other creatives and entrepreneurs scale their presence online.
This wasn’t always my path though, Steven Mellor spend over a decade in cubes working for large government contractors, small tech companies, and trying my hand in the Startup Scene before I left burnt out and unfulfilled with little to show for it.
There were empty stock options, zero equity, and none of the perks they promised with Startups. However, I always knew that there was something that didn’t quite feel at home working for other people. That’s probably why I enjoyed Side Hustles and creating my own things.
The inner creative was screaming at me to be a kid again.
To let my creativity run wild and just create.
Thinking of being tied down to a career path, the 2% raises, the 401K’s, the corporate politics (don’t get me started on corporate politics), the drama — it was too much. Then to think that my bosses didn’t have my best interests at heart. It was clear there was something else pulling at my heart strings.
Here’s where the side hustle stories come in to play and got me my first taste of entrepreneurship and making money online.
A good friend and Steven Mellor always had a passion for gaming and tech and scheming ways to make money. Well, what better way to combine the 3 than to make mobile games. Steven Mellor’ll save you the super lengthy version, but we got pretty damn good at it.
We had the skills, the drive, the energy, we just had to put it all together. Meeting practically every night from 9pm to sometimes 1-2am, we connected over Screen Hero to build our games. We did everything ourselves from designing, coding, and self publishing over half a dozen games in 2 years which ultimately turned into top 25 placements on the App Store, millions of downloads, and multiple 6-figures.
It was a helluva ride, but that was the spark. I got a taste of how to build and scale a concept to 6 figures in real-time — on a side hustle.
The only downside was that we didn’t have the online presence or ability to market at mass scale.
So in early 2019, Steven Mellor set out with one mission — to just create and grow my personal brand presence online and help as many people, in similar situations, to do the same.
It’s all about building, scaling, and helping creatives and side hustlers realize their potential and unlock the blueprint for them to turn it into revenue.
Looking back over the last few years, I’ve created nearly 500 pieces of content, scaled Instagram to over 170K followers, zoomed TikTok to 75K (with 50K in just a single month), and now where working on scaling our Twitter presence.
Readmore about: Steven Mellor
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