RSD Tyler YOU Are The Brand!
The most important thing for you to do is to prevent yourself from getting stuck inside your head memorizing a structure, as those dating gurus want you to. With FOUNDATIONS, you will be able to go with the flow at all times, knowing how to discern what feels RIGHT in a pickup, instead of blindly adhering to a model that wont address your particular situation.
Through field-tested tactics developed through years of trial and error, you will be set to use what you want for your particular goals without ever being manipulative with women. I will teach you how to naturally direct the conversation to get you toward the eight elements of the pickup, and you won t need me to draw a picture for it.
For just approaching and starting a conversation with a woman (the first element), you will also learn:
- Which types of openers are the best for engaging a women in conversation, and how to get over the screen every woman uses as a basis for choosing you or not.
- What are the dynamics of working whole rooms of people and solving the funny logistical puzzles of clubs.
- Specific techniques to speaking louder, and talking through the diaphragm to elicit responses.
- How to hone the one thing you absolutely need when approaching directly.
- A simple way of avoiding resistance within the first three seconds of meeting a woman.
- The one method that will allow you to talk to women for as long as you want.
- How to transition smoothly into hooking a woman, the second element of a good pickup.
- A unique way to keep women entranced by your words. – How to establish dominance with your eye contact and voice.
- A detailed explanation on how to come up with YOUR OWN MATERIAL to start conversations with women.
Readmore about : RSD Tyler YOU Are The Brand!, women , pickup , woman , conversation
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