Rob Judge – Date Hotter Girls
What You’ll Learn In Date Hotter Girls
Learn “the rules” of dating hotter women with this 3-part eBook, audio, and video course. In less than 2 hours, you’ll feel a jolt of motivation to take control of your dating life and pursue hotter girls.
Here’s quick peak at the “rule book” you’re going to discover…
- Why every time you say the word “hope,” you’re chances with gorgeous women plummet
- How to boost your motivation and courage with three power words that will propel you to take action (these aren’t the words you’re expecting!)
- How 4 easy tweaks to your body language will completely alter how a woman perceives you
- “Ready, Aim, Fire” Is that your strategy with women? WRONG! Learn why hot women want you to have a “Fire, Aim, Ready” approach!
- The “Rejection is Communication” principle. She saying no? Giving you a hard time? She’s actually waiting to see if you understand what she REALLY means…give her what she’s looking for when she “rejects” you and she’s yours
- “A guy who’s good with women is easy to identify, but hard to notice.” Find out what this truthful maxim means, and how you can apply it to maximize your success!
- “Elicit a response.” Learn how the “bad boys” are able to piss women off and still sleep with them with this ninja trick
- The true purpose of having “game.” Over 98% of guys misapply “game” so much so that it actually works AGAINST them
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