Paul Chek – Scientific Shoulder Training
The Scientific Shoulder Training takes you on a trip through the functional anatomy of the shoulder and shows you how you can develop preventative, performance and corrective exercise programs better than ever before. Developed by Paul Chek, this course is based upon the tried and tested methods he has used over 28+ years of successfully working with clients who presented with all types of shoulder pain and injury.
Guided by Paul Chek and physical therapist, Suzi Nevell, you will gain a deep understanding of the interactive anatomy of the shoulder that will enable you to develop functional shoulder exercise programs that improve performance and decrease the risk of injury and chronic shoulder problems. Using the Chek Success Formula you will learn how to assess the shoulder complex, select the best exercises for each individual client and design programs for all phases of conditioning. Instruction of correct techniques for common shoulder conditioning exercises is covered in depth, plus corrective exercises, mobilizations and explosive training to enhance your exercise programs for all levels of patients, clients and athletes.
The Scientific Shoulder Training provides an in-depth, multifaceted approach to optimal shoulder conditioning and the integrated function of the shoulder with the rest of the body. Whether you are a strength coach, personal trainer, physical therapist or any health and fitness professional interested in the upper quarter, this correspondence course is a must-have addition for your professional development.
What You’ll Learn In Scientific Shoulder Training
- How the functional anatomy of the upper quarter – shoulder, arm, neck and trunk – interacts.
- The biomechanical intricacies of stabilization of the shoulder joint.
- How proper sequencing of movement development as an infant is critical to optimal function of the shoulder joint in adulthood.
- The success formula for conditioning the shoulder/arm complex.
- Seventeen assessments for posture and shoulder function
- Thirteen length-tension assessments
- Seven comparative range of motion assessments for the shoulder joint
- The importance of a functional thoracic spine to optimal shoulder health.
- Correct techniques for resistance training to prevent and reduce the risk of injury to the shoulder complex when lifting weights.
- Modifications of common exercises to use when working with an injured shoulder.
- Program design strategies and exercise selection for conditioning the shoulder through all phases of conditioning.
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