Lee Holden – The Tao Yin Online Course
Description Of The Tao Yin Online Course
Discover the Lost Ancestor of Yoga and Qi Gong in…
The Tao Yin Online Course with Lee Holden
A 30+ Hour Online Course to Help You Cultivate the Flexibility of a Leopard, the Energy of a Child, and the Calm of a Morning Lake
What is the Ancient Healing Practice of Tao Yin?
Tao Yin is a remarkably simple set of exercises, stretches, and breathing techniques.
The practice helps you conserve your own vital life-force energy (Qi), recycle it through your body, and transform toxic or unbalanced energy into pure positive energy.
The goal of Tao Yin?
To help you become pure, responsive, and full of energy (like a child).
Tao Yin helps you harmonize your Qi, develop strength and flexibility through gently stretching the tendons, and releasing toxins through the breath.
Tao Yin has more “flow” than yoga, but more “stretch” than Qi Gong.
A typical Tao Yin exercise involves movement of the arms and body with controlled inhalation and exhalation. Each exercise has a different goal. For example: calming the mind, expanding lung capacity, or restructuring the spine.
Get All the Benefits of Meditation, Yoga, and Qi Gong in One Simple Practice
Maybe you love to meditate or want to meditate more…
…but you can’t sit still for 20 minutes at a time.
Tao Yin is the perfect blend of meditation, movement, and exercise.
As you practice Tao Yin, you get the mind-calming, anxiety-relieving benefits of meditation…
The improved flexibility and strength from yoga…
And the deeply satisfying and profound experience of your life-force energy flowing freely through your body.
Tao Yin is a true “Moving Meditation”.
A Perfect Supplement to Any Existing Practice
Because Tao Yin improves the flow of energy through the meridians (energy pathways) so well…
Shaolin monks used it to warm-up and exercise before martial arts training, Qi Gong, or meditation.
It’s the perfect practice to use before almost any activity, whether it’s passive like meditation or active like martial arts, working out, or even massage and acupuncture.
Tao Yin can help amplify the effects of nearly any other practice you use:
- Yoga
- Tai Chi
- Meditation
- Martial Arts
- Qi Gong
- Healing Arts
- Fitness
- Hiking
If You Invest 20 Minutes a Day, Tao Yin Can Help You…
- Cultivate strength, flexibility, and balance so your body can heal itself.
- Recondition the spine (relieve scoliosis, “Text Neck” from bad posture, and low back pain).
- Awaken the wisdom of your body. Tao Yin helps activate the healing chemistry of your body.
- Remove energetic and physical blockages to your innate vitality and ability to rejuvenate.
- Open the meridians (energy pathways) of your body so Qi (life-force energy) can flow freely.
- Grow and strengthen your tendons and imbue them with elasticity.
- Deepen your results from other activities like martial arts, Qi Gong, Tai Chi, yoga, music, meditation, sports, work, or modern life.
- Fully relax your body, calm your mind, and balance your emotions.
- Have a deeply satisfying and profound experience of your life-force energy… which leads to emotional cleansing.
- Regain the energy and enthusiasm of a child (in body, mind, and heart).
Tao Yin is a 30+ Hour Online Course to Help You Cultivate the Flexibility of a Leopard, the Energy of a Child, and the Calm of a Morning Lake
What You Learn in The Tao Yin Online Course Module by Module
Module 1: Discover the Fundamentals of Tao Yin
- Discover how energy flows and circulates in the body and the role breath, movement, flows, and self-massage plays in nurturing energy circulation
- Learn your first Tao Yin practice with a simple warm-up and activation. exercises before transitioning to stretches.
- Learn several nourishing stretching exercises to help you release tension and increase the flow of Qi through your meridians (energy pathways).
- Layer practices of breathing, stretching, and rotating to loosen the muscles in the legs and back while circulating Qi in a relaxing floor routine.
Module 2: How to Balance Yin and Yang
- How to balance the energies of Yin and Yang within yourself.
- Discover how to develop more body awareness and to use that awareness to effortlessly navigate change.
- Learn a standing Tao Yin routine to activate the body’s energy channels, release tension, and circulate Qi.
- Learn a mixed floor and flow routine that continues to activate Qi and brings energy through the meridians. A notable movement is “Monkey Plays On the Ground.”
- How to integrate Tao Yin into your daily practice (how to create a balanced routine at home or if you’re teaching).
Module 3: How to Calm Your Mind with “Loving Kindness”
- How to use your body to anchor or “ground” yourself into the present moment.
- Learn a Tao Yin routine that cycles through standing, sitting, and laying down. These exercises focus on stretching movements and postures to create a peaceful, relaxed state of mind.
- Discover the difference between Yin and Yang experiences of meditation and movement.
- Learn another blended Tao Yin routine. Cycle through laying, sitting, and standing exercises to help you integrate what you’ve learned so far.
- Learn a short “Loving Kindness” meditation to help you ground and center your energy whenever you need it.
Module 4: How to Increase Your Energy
- You have an abundance of Qi within and around you that you can cultivate. Learn how to improve your experience of life and increase your energy by cultivating this Qi.
- Discover the relationship between your thoughts, emotions, and inner stories and how they each impact your everyday life.
- Learn a Tao Yin routine to strengthen and stretch your ligaments. This routine is both energizing and relaxing.
- Learn a balancing Five Elements Qi Gong routine to center and store your energy. A notable movement includes, “Bamboo in the Wind”.
- Learn an hour-long Tao Yin routine that includes “rotational” exercises. These exercises are amazing for reconditioning the spine, relieving back pain, and fixing your posture.
Module 5: How to Get and Stay Centered
- Learn a brief breathing exercise you can use to quickly get centered and cultivate gratitude.
- Open up the meridian pathways with a deep stretching and relaxation routine.
- Discover how to cultivate Qi in each of your three Tan Tiens (energy centers) of your body.
- Learn how to change your emotional state with your breath.
- Learn an extended “Integrated Routine” that incorporates Tao Yin stretches as well as Qi Gong flows.
- Learn acupressure self-massage techniques to cultivate an abundance of Qi.
Module 6: The Art of Mindfulness (How to Cultivate Mindfulness)
- How to work with and improve your attention (both internally and externally).
- Discover how to focus only on life-affirming stories rather than energy-draining stories that sap our energy and leave us depressed.
- Put theory into practice and learn a nourishing mindfulness meditation.
- Continue to cultivate and guide Qi through your body with an activating Tao Yin routine.
Module 7: How to Live in a Flow State
- Learn how to find and live in an almost-permanent “flow state” (where everything feels effortless).
- Dive deep into the concept of Qi, learn the various kinds of Qi, and how to live in the present moment.
- Learn another combined stretching and flow practice to simultaneously open the meridians of the body and flood them with Qi.
- Cultivate flexibility and feelings of relaxation and aliveness in body and mind with a combined Tao Yin and Five Elements Qi Gong practice.
Module 8: How to Cultivate Positive Energy
- How to transform negative energy into positive using nothing but your attention.
- Discover the “Three Treasures” and how to use them to gain insight into yourself and cultivate the energy and mindset you want to experience.
- Open and stretch the hamstrings.
- Learn a guided meditation to improve your self-awareness and mindfulness.
- Dive deeper into the concept and manifestation of Yin and Yang (including the origin of the Yin/Yang symbol).
The Tao Yin Online Course is Perfect For:
Anyone in Pain who needs natural, non-toxic methods to relieve pain and heal faster.
Natural Health Practitioners
Yogis who want a “flowier” form of yoga and want to discover the ancestor to yoga.
Martial Artists who want to increase endurance, mobility, and flexibility… and reduce recovery time between workouts or sparring sessions.
Fitness Enthusiasts, Skiers, Snowboarders, Runners, “CrossFitters”, Gym Rats, and Highly Active People who want simple stretches to improve performance.
All Levels of Qi Gong Students who want to learn a “stretchier” form of Qi Gong you can integrate into your personal practice.
You do not need to have a prior understanding of Qi Gong, yoga, or Traditional Chinese Medicine to attend the Tao Yin Online Course.
Lee’s explanations of the exercises are clear and accessible for modern practitioners. He doesn’t use fancy language to teach and equips practitioners with a grounded knowledge of “why” to use any exercise he teaches.
Who Should Not Attend Tao Yin – Difficult to Lie Down? Please Read!
Many of the exercises in the Tao Yin Online Course are performed while seated or lying down. If you have a pre-existing condition that makes it painful or difficult to lie down, we recommend you do not enroll in the Tao Yin Online Course.
About Lee Holden
Lee Holden is an internationally known instructor in meditation, Tai Chi, and Qi Gong. He is a licensed acupuncturist, herbalist, and author. He has been featured on American Public Television and select PBS stations throughout the U.S. and Canada.
Through his DVDs, Public Broadcasting specials, classes, in-person workshops, and teacher training, Lee has helped tens of thousands of students heal from injury and disease, slow their aging process, feel better than ever, and maximize their energy.
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