Jim Wolfe – The Complete Good Guy Guide System
Description Of The Complete Good Guy Guide System
REVEALED: The Four-Letter Word That Unlocks Your Ability to Attract the Woman of Your Choice and Avoid the Friend Zone Forever…
Without becoming a sleazy “pickup artist,” using any strange “tricks,” turning into a jerk, being thought of as “creepy,” or pretending to be someone you’re not..
The Good Guy Guide (to Getting Sexual)
Because I want to teach YOU the four-letter word that makes women want you and EXACTLY how to apply it.
When you start applying this system, here’s what you can expect:
- Women will recognize that you are a sexual man…they won’t think of you as a “brother” or a “friend.” You’ll only be in the friend zone if YOU want to be there…
- You’ll be able to attract better-looking, higher-quality women than you can now…
- Women will start pursuing you…
- Because women will be chasing you, you’ll have the power to CHOOSE the kind of women you want to date…
- You’ll feel much more CONFIDENT everywhere you go because you’ll know exactly what to do with women at all times…
- You’ll know exactly why things didn’t work out with certain women in the past and exactly what to do next time to be successful…
And I didn’t just pull this material out of thin air and “throw it into an e-book” to make money: I’ve been intensely studying, researching, testing, and learning everything I can about male-female dynamics, looking at men who are successful (and unsuccessful) with women and breaking down their methods, and then coaching men from big cities and small towns all over the world and analyzing their results to see what really works for men with real women in the real world for the past 14 years now.
And now I want to share what I’ve discovered with YOU…
So, what is the four-letter word that unlocks your ability to attract the woman of your choice and avoid the friend zone forever?
The Four-Letter Word that Makes Women Want You…
Here it is: LERR
What is it?
It’s an acronym.
What does it mean?
Well, if a woman’s interested in you even a little bit and she’s not committed to a boyfriend or husband and you:
- Lead the interaction ONE step forward…
- Encourage her to chase you…
- Reward her when she chases you…
- Refuse to chase her…
and REPEAT this process over and over while accepting all outcomes, she will become almost uncontrollably attracted to you.
And you’ll NEVER be in the friend zone again unless YOU choose to be there.
On the other hand, if you don’t follow this process, you’ll completely DESTROY any attraction she might have felt for you before…
It’s that SIMPLE.
Now, that doesn’t mean applying this system is always easy.
However, we’ve made it as easy as possible for you.
All you have to do is insert your unique personality into the attractive behavior patterns and SHE’S YOURS…
So, what do each of the four steps of LERR mean exactly and how exactly do you apply them?
That’s exactly what we cover inside The Good Guy Guide System.
My clients from small towns and big cities in over 57 countries and counting have used this same system to consistently attract high-quality women without doing anything “strange.”
What has been really strange to me is that my best clients, the ones who buy ALL of my products and get live coaching from me, are usually guys who are already pretty successful with women:
It’s their willingness to put their ego aside and keep learning and growing that makes them successful with women, not some kind of “in-born” quality.
When you follow what I say you start to consistently attract high-quality women anywhere you go, day or night, just like my top clients.
What the Good Guy Guide is NOT:
Now, this is NOT a step-by-step manual for a long-term relationship…We have other great books for that if that’s what you’re looking for.
This is a step-by-step guide that shows you EXACTLY what to do from the first moment you see a woman you’re attracted to until the moment you’re making out with her and beyond…
And, this is NOT just another “PUA Manual” that you’ve already seen before or Relationship Book written for women…
This unique, step-by-step system that took more than 14 years to develop is written for MEN who want to date women only…There are no PUA “tricks,” there’s no fluff, and there’s no filler.
Just real, actionable advice that works for real men with real women in the real world…
The Good Guy Guide is WRONG for you IF:
- You already have so many women chasing you that you don’t have time for more women in your life…
- You can’t handle the truth. This system deals with REALITY, because we care about your RESULTS. So, we don’t sugar-coat anything for you. Make sure you’re ready for that before you invest….
- You prefer lukewarm hugs and disapproving looks from women you barely like to the women you REALLY want chasing you and happy to be with you.
- You ENJOY banishing yourself to the friend zone with women you’d rather date…
- You think “simple” means that you don’t have to TAKE ACTION and implement the steps in your real life. Attracting the most beautiful, high-quality women requires applying the principles of attraction. We’ve just made it as simple as possible for you…
- Or, you are just one of those guys who will buy the book and then just let it sit there on your desktop or in iBooks and never read it. Please, don’t waste your money if that’s the case. However, if that IS the case, just realize you’re only going to get the same results you’ve always gotten and the BEST CASE scenario is that you settle for dating women you’re not even that into (which isn’t good for ANYONE) or you might even give up completely. And, unfortunately, you’ll probably have DEEP REGRETS on your deathbed…unless you do something DIFFERENT, something that WORKS, STARTING TODAY.
Yet, if you just want to consistently attract more beautiful, high-quality women than you are now in a way that feels natural to you and avoid the friend zone FOREVER without pretending to be “cool” or “bad,” THEN
If you want to:
- Attract gorgeous, high-quality women…
- Avoid the Friend Zone FOREVER…
- Never be thought of as creepy…
- PROTECT YOURSELF from our current “anti-male” environment…
- Keep attractive conversations going as long as you want…
- Spice up your love life so things NEVER go stale…
- Succeed with women beyond your wildest dreams…
Without EVER being a “jerk,” using strange tricks, or pretending to be someone you’re not…
There’s no reason to screw things up with the next girl you meet just because you don’t know this intel…
Claim your copy of The Good Guy Guide right now and learn the secrets of attracting the most beautiful, highest quality women
About Jim Wolfe
You might know me already…If not, I’m Jim Wolfe and I’m America’s Down-to-Earth Dating and Relationship Coach for Men. I’m an author, speaker, and entrepreneur on a mission to help 100,000 men live their ideal life with their ideal women.
My best-selling books include Level Up, 7 Keys to Being a Total Badass, and Attract and Keep Her.
I bring over 13 years of academic and real-world experience in the dating, relationship, and personal development scenes to my clients from over 37 countries and counting.
I’m deeply passionate about sharing the tools, techniques, and understandings that have changed my life with my clients and I LOVE hearing their success stories even more.
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