Jack Hutson – Jack’s Blowjob Lessons
Sale page: Jack Hutson – Jack’s Blowjob Lessons
“He basically passed out in the end. I have never felt so self-confident in my life.”
Hey Jack,
My boyfriend and I have been together for over 5 years. I had tried making him climax plenty of times….but since we were each other’s only sex partner, it was hard to know what to do. Although the language was a little coarse, it was what I needed to understand what I was doing wrong.
I finally tried it out on him and he basically passed out in the end. I have never felt so self-confident in my life. So thank you for spicing up my sex life a little bit….I think it definitely helped my relationship.
“I absolutely LOOOOVVVEEE the fact that what i want I GET now.”
Hello once again jack,
you are my best friend, you are my knight in shinning armor, i frickin’ LOVE you!!!!! my sex life has never been better!! honestly, i doubted the whole “he will even start shaking” part, but dam was i wrong!!! he just started shouting “YEAA!! F**K YEAAAHHH!! OH MY F**KING GOD!!! YES! YES! YES!” which is a miracle all in itself because hes christian and ive never heard him say the word f**k and ‘god’ in the same sentence.
i absolutely LOOOOVVVEEE the fact that what i want I GET now. i just say the word and hes running for it, all because of a blowjob i feel soo much happier now, like theres this ‘wow’ factor to the sex now that we have never experienced before. im sure ill be able to keep (and control ;D) my boyfriend for a very long time now.
thank you for being my (and many others) hero,
“I wanted to be that girl that they would never forget. After reading your book, I am that girl.”
Hey Jack,
First I want to start off by saying, thank you! Your tips helped me a lot.
I never had any complaints on how I gave head, but I wanted to be that girl that they would never forget. Lol.. After reading your book, I am that girl.. you have no idea how many calls I’ll get in the middle of the night. Lol.
I am very young, freshly 21 and in college so I’m sure you’ll get a kick out of this. But I have a crazy confession. While reading, I developed a major crush on you. I honestly would love to get together and have you tell me how I’m doing on the head giving. If you feel up to it, don’t be afraid to ask for pictures or a number.
Thanks Again… Carley
“It also has helped our relationship and we arent fighting as much anymore.”
thank you thank you thank you! just your articles helped sooooo much! I use to HATE HATE HATE giving blowjobs because i had NO idea how to but i read your online articles and now thats all my boyfriend wants me to do. As weird as it sounds it also has helped our relationship and we arent fighting as much anymore. its an amazing transformation so THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!
“He’s always smiling now and always in a great mood. You and your book brought happiness and joy onto our lives!”
Hello Jack,
I just wanted to say THANK YOU SOOO MUCH for your A-M-A-Z-I-N-G book!!! It is a miracle!!!!
My husband started enjoying blow jobs, you know what he told me the other day? That he should make me give him bjs every day, and you wont believe how GREAT it was for me to hear that!!!
Before when I gave him a bj he told me that he would rather have sex, cuz I didn’t know much about it and if I gave him one, it would take him forever to cum, now its like 5,7 mins and he explodes, LOL.
IM just SOOOOO HAPPY that I found ur book on the web, it helped me BIG TIME.
And now my husband even looks at me differently, and our relationship is even better than it was when we were just girlfriend and boyfriend.
He’s always smiling now and always in a great mood, and looking at him that makes me feel even more happier…i can actually tell that he surely DOES enjoy IT, he moans and ohhs and uhhs during the BJ, which before I thought he fell asleep when I went down on him, LOL.(cuz he was so quiet)…
THANK YOU SOOO MUCH once again!!!! You and your book brought happiness and joy onto our lives!!!!!
“Any girl who gives head, whether they are a beginner or a pro, they should check your book out.”
Dear jack
When I first read your book I had never given a bj and I was extremely nervous and I had no idea what to do. Your advice helped me soooooo much I was so confident. My boyfriend actually asked if I was lying to him when I told him he was the first. None of the other stuff about this I found were as encouraging as yours and I couldn’t belive how excited I was to give head. Now I do it all the time for my boyfriend and he adores me for it! One time I even did it while he was driving he loved it! Anyway I just wanted to thank you. Honestly your advice was so much help I you helped strengthen my relationship! Any girl who gives head, whether they are a beginer or a pro, they should check your book out. Thanks again!
“My husband is “in love” with me. He loves the new me. I wish I did this a long time ago.”
Well since reading your book. Our love has connected us, on many levels, I would of never believed it without seeing it with my own eyes, my husband is “in love” with me. He loves the new me, I send him little text messages, and he get’s arroused, and so do I just thinking about, being with him. We actually feel as though we are having a affair with each other, because the things we are doing and saying, would under normal circumstances, would never happen. I feel young again, and like I am in love for the first time.
But thank you again for the advise, and education on how to perform oral sex. My man is crazy for me, I wish I did this a long time ago.
“My husband had never been able to cum just from a blowjob ever before. So I bought your book. Not only did he cum he said it was the best head he’s ever gotten and he said his orgasm was deeper and more intense than its ever been!”
Hi Jack,
I just wanted to say thank you for your advice. My husband had never been able to cum just from a blowjob ever before (not just from me but from any girl he’s ever been with). I remember when we first started dating before we had sex or anything we were talking about our sexual likes and dislikes and I asked him if he liked getting head. He was kinda quiet and kind of avoided the question. I asked “was that a stupid question? ” and he said no its just that every time a girl has given him head in the past he never came. I’ve been with him now 2 and a half years and had never been able to make him cum just by giving him head.
Now don’t get me wrong I love giving head I always have but it’s very discouraging when you can’t make your own husband cum! He is in the military and left for training for a couple weeks and I wanted to do something nice for him when he got home so I bought your book. My attitude has been shit for the past couple years because I’ve been so frustrated and I really worked on that and I think I did a pretty damn good job! When he came home I tried out your advice and not only did he cum he said it was the best head he’s ever gotten and he said his orgasm was deeper and more intense than its ever been! I also had a lot of fun and enjoyed making him feel so good. So just wanted to say thanks, it really helped!
“Totally worth it ! He even told me “i dont think its healthy for me to cum that hard” you made me proud of my blow jobs!”
Hey Jack, i had so much fun reading the book ! bad timing getting it during exam week ! i barely studied ! lol , and even read it at the job ! ( call center, not so bad ahahah ) well, totally worth it ! He even told me ” i dont think its healthy for me to cum that hard ” you made me proud of my blow jobs ! I never had problem with the passion part, in fact , before i felt like i enoyed giving him head more then he liked receiving it !! So a lot of the techniques were good for me. thanks again !
“I’ve never heard him moan so loud… he got out of control!”
Hiya, I recently tried the “XXX-XXX-XXX” [ in the book ] technique with my boyfriend, he loved it because i have my tongue pierced as well, ive never heard him moan so loud… he got out of control!
Yelling “Fuck Yeah babe, fuck yeah!” at one point haha. It turned me on so much and after he came and then recovered… he was a sex GOD… its like he fell in love with my body all over again and just fucked me until i came 5 times!!… this was all between the times of 9:30pm until 2:15am… it… was… amazing what a great head job can do to a man… thank you so so so much!
“I made him cum THREE TIMES sucking his cock in under five minutes each.”
Dear Jack,
This is a letter of success.. though not what I set out to succeed but success none the less. Christian never did get a second bj out of me because I dumped his sorry ass after him putting me down one time too often. I met a new guy in Arizona… and last night we had our third date – here at my house for swimming, dinner cooked by me and hang out.
I made him cum THREE TIMES sucking his cock in under five minutes each. I swallowed TWICE and licked it off and ate it the other time. He told me that I am awesome. I can’t thank you enough!
Why Do Women Like You Praise My Blowjob Lessons?
- Easy, yet powerful blowjob techniques you can apply immediately.
- Written by “chauvinistic male pig” (NOT COSMO) who doesn’t care about hurting your feelings.
- Eye-opening insights into the shady desires he secretly fantasies about (but doesn’t tell you).
- Mad blowjob-skills that guard your relationship from other women.
- Know exactly what, when, why and how to do to turn your blowjobs into a life-changing experience he won’t be able to forget (and make his mind melt).
- And all the dirty little tricks that make him come fast and strong like a bullet.
- Because now you don’t need to be a Beauty Queen to make him feel like he’s in Heaven!
- And best of all – you can now try it completely risk-free because my program comes with a 100% money-back guarantee (in case you’re guy isn’t absolutely blown away by your new blowjob skills, just ask for your money back, no questions asked).
Jack’s Blowjob Lessons is jam-packed with hundreds of proven to work blowjob secrets, the best techniques, and all the dirty little tricks that make you “The One.”
Here’s a sneak peak at just some of what you’ll discover in Jack’s Blowjob Lessons:
- The Blowjob Goddess Mindset that magnetically attracts him to your magic-lips. Learn this 1 thing alone and he’ll be begging you to go down on him. This is what turns “macho men” into your humble servants… cherishing you with the kind of love, affection, and attention you could only see in movies.
- The Truth About Why And What Men Like In a Blowjob, so you never have to wonder if he’s actually enjoying your blowjobs again. I’ll teach you exactly what and why he loves it (but is afraid to tell you) so you understand what’s really going on in his mind.
- Embarrassing Blowjob Mistakes almost all women make (it’s not your fault) that push men away from you – both emotionally and sexually – and push them towards other women or watching porn all the time. I’ll teach you how to avoid all the most common blowjob mistakes so he commits to you, and only you.
- Killer Blowjob Positions that make your blowjobs unforgettable. Most women don’t know about this, but these positions excite him on a primal, Caveman level – they make him come faster and stronger by having his “orgasm muscles” locked and loaded, ready to explode.
- The Blowjob Heaven Atmosphere. How you handle his brain is as important as how you handle his penis. You’ll learn exactly how to build up sexual tension and anticipation by creating an erotic, relaxing, and unique atmosphere. Use this to capture his complete and undivided attention (every time). This “fit for Kings” treatment is what makes him put a diamond ring on your finger.
- 22 “Oh My God” Blowjob Techniques that make him swear like a sailor in disbelief as you take him to another reality. These “OMG” blowjob techniques are easy, foolproof, and instantly applicable to your next blowjob. Learn exactly how, what, and where to do so you supercharge your blowjob confidence.
- Tanya’s Deep-throat Manifesto, my co-author and friend Tanya J., a former adult film star, teaches you the ins and outs of deep-throating like a pro – killing your gag-reflex has never been this easy. Believe it or not – mastering the art of deep-throating is your one way ticket to a loving relationship. Once you go “all in” he’ll never view you the same again.
- The Hottest Places to Blow His Mind. I’ll teach you how to give the perfect blowjob in a car, a cinema, outdoors, in a public toilet, an elevator, on the beach, and a bunch of other “forbidden” (but unforgettable) places – and then I’ll teach you how to get away with it.
- The Art of Blowjob Dirty Talk. Tell him the right words and you don’t have to be a beauty queen to make him believe he’s in heaven. I’ll tell you exactly what to say, how to say it, and how to be completely comfortable about saying it – before, during, and after a blowjob – so you never feel weird again.
- The Perfect Blowjob Scenario. You’ll know exactly what to do from start to finish so you have complete control over his orgasm and never wonder about what to do next or what “phase” of the blowjob you are in.
- The Turbo Ejaculation Formula. My Push-Button, golden nugget blowjob techniques that make him “orgasm by command” – this is the kinky stuff men dream about (but never get from their wives or girlfriends) that make his orgasm look like a volcanic eruption (wear your glasses). He’ll think he just died and went to sexual heaven.
- And much, much more!