Igor Ledochowski – The Power of Hypnotic Gifts
If you’re ready to discover the most exciting way to show anyone you meet the power of hypnosis in only 5 minutes while leaving them completely stunned and amazed then this will be the most important letter you will ever read
In this program, I’ll reveal to you my proprietary method for giving each of these lasting and life-changing hypnotic gifts in a unique way adapted to ANYONE you speak to in just 5 minutes all while leaving others feeling like they’ve unlocked amazing new areas of potential within their mind.
What You’ll Learn In The Power of Hypnotic Gifts
To prove to you that the above statement is true, here’s a glimpse into what you’ll discover in the 11 hours and 40 minutes of in-depth video training across 10 modules:
Module 1: Hypnotic Gifts Foundations & The Hypnotic Laws and Principles That Make Gifts Powerful
You will discover:
- How hypnotic gifts give someone a resource they can use for the rest of their life
- Where hypnotic gifts fit in the “hypnotic spectrum” so you know exactly when and how to use them
- Leave anyone you meet in awe by revealing the power of their mind using magic moments
- What it takes to create the ULTIMATE magic moments
- Hypnotic gifts I’ve personally used for close to 30 years to leave people with long-lasting experiences they never forget
- The skill that lets you give others memorable (and even life-altering) experiences in JUST 5 minutes
- How 5-minute hypnotic gifts help someone instantly grasp what hypnosis is all about (and want to tell others about it too!)
- The key to selecting the RIGHT hypnotic gift to give your subject
- Discover how Milton Erickson himself used the power of hypnotic gift giving
- Follow this GOLDEN RULE so your hypnotic gifts are fun and spontaneous without ever feeling like a chore
- What MUST happen if you want your hypnotic gift to work successfully
- Why symbolic imagination is the doorway to hypnotic gift giving
- How to activate your subject’s symbolic imagination (and when to use this impressive technique!)
- How to elevate the significance of the symbolic reality you create with convincers
- The key difference between covert and overt hypnotic gifts and when to use each one
- How to give a covert hypnotic gift (PLUS specific language you can use to frame your subject’s experience)
- Knowing THIS means you can give hypnotic gifts in ANY context
- How to use the Law of Successful Approximations to give your subject a “taste” of success
- The SHORTCUT to get your subject in the right frame of mind so they readily accept your hypnotic gift
- How belief and doubt impact reality (this is a must-know for hypnotic gift giving)
- How to create the right hypnotic context for hypnotic gifts each and every time
Module 2: Creating Your Routine For Hypnotic Gift Giving
- Increase your confidence with a hypnotic gift giving routine (I’ll show you how to create your “go-to” routine)
- Minimize the activation energy you need to get started so giving gifts becomes easy and effortless
- What to say so you can frame your gift giving without mentioning hypnosis
- How to set the right context for your subject to receive your hypnotic gift (all while infusing your subject with motivation and desire!)
- How to move someone from a social reality to a hypnotic reality (you MUST do this before you give your hypnotic gift!)
- Specific techniques you can use to easily place your subject into a hypnotic reality and prepare them to receive your gift
- Why simple and direct language is MUCH more effective when it comes to hypnotic gifts (I’ll give you plenty of examples of this kind of language)
- Demonstrations of how to get the right context in place before giving your hypnotic gift
- In-depth feedback on making the process smooth and effective so you can seamlessly guide your subject through an incredible experience in just 5 minutes
- How to figure out a routine that works best for you and fills you with confidence and enthusiasm
- Step-by-step breakdown of the words and phrases used in the demonstrations so you grasp how it works on an intuitive level
- Examples of exact scripts you can use for hypnotic gift giving
Module 3: Creating Hypnotic Conditions Simply, Easily & Quickly
- Why gift giving is ALL about your subject – not about proving yourself as a hypnotist (remember this, and you’ll be much better at any gift you give)
- The KEY to fitting your hypnotic foundation and context into the 5 to 10-minute window
- Simplicity as the main ingredient of successful gift giving (you’ll get plenty of feedback on how to get this right)
- The hypnotic gift giving toolkit you’ll be able to bring with you anytime anywhere
- FULL demonstration on how to easily create the right hypnotic conditions
- The 3 questions you’ll want to answer when working with hypnotic phenomenon
- The Inner Smile demonstration instantly switch someone’s attitude and dissolve any tension
- In-depth feedback from hypnotists on what receiving hypnotic gifts feels like (you’ll love their reactions!)
- How to use visualization to mentally prepare and improve your technique
- Discover Lavish Gifts and WHEN to give them
- Demonstration of a fascinating gift you can give to make someone feel healthier, energized and stronger in only 5 minutes!
- Using hypnotic gifts to decrease stress and activate the “rest, digest and heal” response
- The incredible impact IMAGERY has on your body (it’s all about activating the mind-body connection!)
- Using the mind to boost the immune system with the “inner smile” technique
- Demonstrating the Law of Successive Approximation to create a large impact over a series of small steps
- How to build up your subject’s symbolic imagination and create an inner sanctuary they can visit whenever they want to heal or feel empowered
- Working with stacked symbols to introduce even more powerful experiences into your hypnotic gift
- How to give the Inner Smile, the Dr. Dao and the Sanctuary gifts
Module 4: Adding Additional Layers Of Symbolic Imagery To Your Gift
- The reason symbolism creates a web of meaning for your subject and ELEVATES everything you do
- Why seemingly simple images and symbols can have a long-lasting impact
- How to supercharge the benefit for your subject by “folding in” layers of meaning into your hypnotic gift
- The key to making sure your subject is truly engaged with your symbol (this guarantees your gift will seep MUCH more deeply into their unconscious mind)
- The Success Trophy Gift — give this whenever you want to deliver a feeling of progress and competence
- How to discover your subject’s hero and understand what qualities they most admire (this will come in handy for your gifts!)
- Integrate your subject’s hero qualities into your hypnotic gifts – PLUS a demonstration of how to do this.
- Review the 5 hypnotic gifts you’ve covered so far and the layers of symbolism in each one
- Step-by-step demonstration of how to give a gift that lets your subject learn and improve without even realizing it
- Demonstration debrief so you get useful insight into what your subject might experience
- Side-by-side look at linguistic and symbolic trances (and when you should use each one)
- Quick and easy demo of the Law of Compounding Effect
Module 5: Introduction To The Power of “The Rooms Of The Mind” & The Room Of Sleep
- The 3,000 year old technique you can use to improve your memory and why it remains incredibly effective even today
- Why hypnotic gifts are an ideal way to demonstrate the power of hypnosis without doing a lengthy therapy session!
- What it means when someone isn’t ready to accept your hypnotic gift (and why that’s perfectly okay)
- The incredible benefit YOU get as the hypnotist when you regularly give hypnotic gifts
- Review of the gifts you’ve covered so far and how they fit together
- How you can create variations and build on the gifts you’ve already covered to make them even more effective
- The role of imagery and visual representation in memory (knowing this improves your hypnotic gifts!)
- How you can create dedicated spaces in the mind to achieve different goals using “Hypnotic Rooms”
- Demonstration of giving the Room of Sleep Gift so your subject can fall asleep easily whenever they choose
- The simple way to convert the inner smile hypnotic gift into a NEW gift that is personalized to your subject
- Full demonstration of how to give your subject the Wall of Wonders Gift so they can calm their body for the perfect night’s sleep (PLUS a full breakdown of the techniques!)
- Demonstration of how to combine the Room of Sleep with the Wall of Wonders hypnotic gifts to create inner calm and peace
- Empower someone to solve problems while they sleep with the Future Wall Gift (they’ll be able to turn sleep into a vision board to build a better future!)
- How to take a simple gift and elevate it to a LAVISH gift with extra layers of meaning
- Complete demonstrations of compounding your gifts with detailed feedback on how to layer them together in a natural way
Module 6: The Museum Of Memories
- How to blend and use hypnotic gifts in your everyday life without getting overwhelmed (you have an infinite number of hypnotic gifts to give!)
- When and how to practice each of the hypnotic gifts so they naturally fit into your day
- The number one reason people hesitate to try something new (and how to overcome this common block!)
- Discover the Museum of Memories Gift you can use to PROGRAM success into your future
- The 4 keys to a happier future and the technique you can use to achieve each one more easily
- Demonstration of the Pool of Remembrance Gift to find memories for unconscious success
- How to adapt the Pool of Remembrance to the person in front of you so it resonates with them more strongly (they’ll be in awe that you understand them on such a deep and personal level!)
- After this module, you’ll intuitively know the right time and place to give someone a gift
- How to help your subject remember anything they want, whenever they want using symbols from the unconscious mind
- Step-by-step process you can use to layer hypnotic gifts together in just a few minutes (this method opens up infinite possibilities)
- How to take advantage of the Law of Compounding Effect while delivering a hypnotic gift to “snowball” your subject’s success
- Demonstrations of how to help someone construct their own Museums of Memories they can access “on-demand”
Module 7: The Masters Hall & How To Improve Any Skill
- Discover the Masters Hall Gift you can give someone so they develop skills in any field faster
- The critical difference between a social gift and a therapeutic gift (and when it’s the right time for each one)
- Steal THIS technique from ancient Greek philosophers to set up your day for success
- Demonstration of the Meditation Space Gift that helps someone’s day unfold with exciting meetings, wonderful coincidences and productivity
- Give YOURSELF a hypnotic gift that sets a powerful intention for your day
- How to observe your reactions so you avoid putting any unnecessary pressure on yourself
- Demonstration of giving a gift that “imprints” the skills you want to master into the mind for effortless learning
- Use the Masters Hall Gift as a “master metaphor” to contain all your other hypnotic rooms (this makes it easy to locate any skill you want to find!)
- How to COMPLETELY take the pressure off yourself when giving hypnotic gifts
- The Reading Room Gift that creates a mental space where you can study and learn with ease
- Listen to a demonstration of the Reading Room Gift so you can experience it for yourself!
- The Skills Room Gift you can use to master any skillyou find important
- Full demonstration of how to give someone the Skills Room Gift filling it with symbols that resonate with the unconscious mind
- The fascinating Boardroom Gift that navigates your subject through challenges so they can make better decisions where it counts
- How to use the Boardroom Gift to build greater WEALTH
- Demonstration and detailed walkthrough of how to give The Boardroom Gift
- How to begin with simple giftsand work your way up to more elaborate gifts so you can deliver each gift with ease and excitement
Module 8: How To Design Your Own Unique Hypnotic Gifts
- TWO simple approaches you can use to design your own mind-blowing gifts
- How to construct a more meaningful gift by uncovering what someone values
- Co-create a gift with anyone you meet by drawing the symbols out of them (you cannot fail with this!)
- Gifts you can “fall back” on when you’re not sure what to give someone and STILL have a lasting impact on them
- Universal symbols to use in your gifts that resonate with anyone’s unconscious mind
- The ONE prerequisite that must have in place if you want to successfully give your gift in 5 minutes
- Demonstration of hypnosis students giving gifts they created using the step-by-step formula revealed in this program!
- Step-by-step feedback on how to improve your gifts and make sure they strike the right chord with your subject
- How to turn your introductions into “hypnotic haikus” so you capture the essence of your message without making it too wordy
- How to foreshadow your message early on in the gift giving process (hint: the unconscious mind LOVES this!)
- Do THIS to absorb the conscious and unconscious mind’s attention so you can deliver a much more satisfying gift
- Why being more direct with your language will work in your favor
- Subtle languages that makes a BIG difference in your delivery
- How to make sure the symbols you create do the heavy lifting for you
- Feedback on how to refine and polish your gift so you can make sure it fits in 5 minutes
Module 9: How To Dynamically “Co-Construct” A Hypnotic Gift
- Why you MUST be crystal clear when delivering a hypnotic gift
- Step-by-step breakdown of eliciting powerful symbols from anyone you meet
- The formula for adding symbolic logic to your hypnotic gifts (with a full demonstration on how to do this)
- How to “out-frame” therapeutic work so you can give someone a powerful gift fast!
- Why PURPOSE is the foundation of your gifts and 3 places to find it
- How to uncover what someone wants to improve about themselves you can give a gift tailored perfectly to them
- How to be “artfully vague” (this will serve you well in many areas of hypnosis!)
- The MAGIC question that elicits symbols you can blend into your gift
- How you’ll know when your subject has successfully constructed the hypnotic gift in their conscious and unconscious mind
- Step-by-step breakdown of how to mine for symbols and find the ones that work best for your subject
- How to take your subject’s metaphors and turn them into meaningful insights
- Full demonstration of co-creating a gift with your subject and delivering it to them (your subject’s mind does all the “polishing!”)
- By the end of this module you’ll be able to construct gifts with someone else’s unconscious!
Module 10: Polishing & Troubleshooting Your Hypnotic Gifts
- How to frame silence into your gift giving so your subject feels comfortable and enjoys the experience without feeling awkward
- The “refine, polish and repeat” formula for giving fail proof hypnotic gifts
- 3 phrases you can use to draw out symbols from your subject’s unconscious mind
- The EASIEST way to fix broken gifts
- How to know if you’re hitting the right mark with your giftsor if you need to go back and polish them
- Why hypnotic gifts make you a MUCH better therapist
- Listen to real-life hypnotists explain why hypnotic gifts are THE Swiss Army Knife of hypnotic tools
- How to get over performance anxiety so you relax into hypnotic gift giving (this makes everything much more fun and effective!)
- Your library of hypnotic gifts becomes INFINITE with this complete hypnotic gift strategy
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