Chris Smith and Harlan Kilstein – Millionaire Vet

This Is The Outline of The Course:

  • Week 1:
    • Which platforms will make you the most money? Which ones should you sign up for? Which ones should you ignore?
    • Why you should set up a Facebook Business Manager Account.
    • A step by step walk through to setting up your account properly.
    • Choosing Where to Start: The three places you should think about.
  • Week 2:
    • How to create unique products that force people to say, I want this.
    • Pictures and Custom work.
    • Do It Yourself or Outsource the Work
    • Best places to have someone do the work for you.
    • Meet my own designer (Yes – Ill share him with you)
    • Apps That You Should Own
  • Week 3:
    • Design ideas that make you money.
    • Design creation strategies
    • Designing for Passionate Buyers
    • Secret places for ideas
    • A general principle that you need to keep in mind.
  • Week 4:
    • Firing Up the ATM
    • Tutorial for Gearbubble
    • Tutorial for ViralStyle
    • Tutorial for TeeSpring
  • Week 5:
    • Getting started with Pixels – Secret Codes that make you money
    • How Facebook wants you to make money
    • Static Photo Post Ads
    • Link Ads
    • Video Ads
    • Retargeting – Sweet buyers come back again.
    • Custom Audiences – Let Facebook find targeted buyers
  • Week 6:
    • How to get the biggest bang for your buck.
    • How to scale winners all the way to the bank.
    • When to kill losers.
    • How to read and understand Facebooks data.
    • Lookalike Audiences
  • Bonus Videos:
    • Advanced Ad Strategies
    • Multi-Platform Selling
  • Plus:
    • Direct text message access to Chris! (East coast 9AM-9 PM please)
    • Detailed Notes
    • Facebook Group Support
    • Membership Site
    • Transcripts of all sessions with timestamps so you can follow along.

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