Scott Sonnon/RMAX – The Mobility Ring
Sale page: Scott Sonnon/RMAX – The Mobility Ring
Scott Sonnon’s innovative Mobility Ring program uses a simple gymnastics-style shaped ring to address one of the most complex multi-joint areas of the body: the human arm.
The human arm, comprised of the hand, elbow, and shoulder joints, makes for one of the most common, and expensive, injury prone limbs of the body. The extensive myofascial lines that attach throughout the arm can be followed all the way up into the neck and spine. This, along with being one of the most dominantly used appendages, makes the health of our arms and shoulders a critical factor in the function and shape of our bodies.
Mobility Ring is not a stretching program; it is a protocol for the development of functional athletic tension, mobilization of the joints in their full range of motion, and activation of the muscles to perform at their optimized occupational readiness. Coach Sonnon will take you through the carefully developed science of this approach and how it applies to the body, then breakdown each of the drills and their intended sequences for maximum results.
A truly unique program for all fitness enthusiasts, professional or amateur athletes, and those who strive to achieve the highest level of occupational physical readiness; the Mobility Ring program by Coach Scott Sonnon is a must have and a must learn.
The benefits of the Mobility Ring are so numerous! However, here are the Top 10 winners:
- Improve Muscle Relaxation and Decreased Hypertonicity: the Mobility Ring facilitates the reduction and elimination of chronic muscle tension in the arms, which aids in the alleviation of dysfunction and pain.
- Suppress Trigger Point Sensitivity: the Mobility Ring helps to suppress the sensitivity of trigger points, which helps to promote pain-reducing endorphins-release.
- Enhance Tissue Recovery and Decrease Soreness: the Mobility Ring improves blood circulation, which facilitates oxygen and nutrient tissue delivery.
- Restore Joint Range of Motion: the Mobility Ring helps to reset and optimize the length-tension relationship (called myofasical tensegrity) to prepare the joint loading, tissue stretching and muscle activation critical to both occupational and recreational activities.
- Release Adhesions and Scar Tissue: the Mobility Ring helps to restore muscle and fascia elasticity which improves motor quality, efficiency and precision while preventing pain.
- Reduce Inflammation: Compounds, called Cytokines, play a critical role in inflammation are reduced through the Mobility Ring.
- Accelerate Muscle Growth and Repair: the Mitochondria of cells increase their activity due to the Mobility Ring which accelerates muscle growth and repair.
- Enhance Neuromuscular Efficiency and Awareness: When a joint is compressed, it distorts accurate information to your brain. The Mobility Ring clears disconnects between the brain and the body’s system of sensors, and improves the effectiveness while decreasing the energy required for movement.
- Prevent Fatigue: If a joint lacks its full range of motion, your brain detects immobility, and begins a shut-down process to protect from mis-use and over-exertion injuries. The Mobility Ring allows you to have 100% access to your readiness capabilities locked within your upper extremities.
- Diminish Overall Stress: Dysfunction and pain cause the stress systems of the central nervous system to remain switched-on, which in turn disrupts sleep, learning, memory and quality of life. Most of our stress is reflexively reflected in our arm tension. The Mobility Ring was designed specifically to release it!
It will work immediately, during the first session, but depending upon the severity of the movement dysfunction, you may need to go slowly and carefully. You can overdo recovery, just like you can have too much of any good thing. Take your time, and enjoy the results. More isn’t necessarily better. After you get ahead of the current issues, you can dose a Mobility Ring session every few days to keep from any future issues developing
The Mobility Ring can be used as a recovery day program, as a warm-up, as a cool-down, or in between sets for a reset. It’s as versatile as any roller, ball or band!